Autologous Serum Tears vs. Other Dry Eye Treatments: Comparing Options and Outcomes

Dry eye is a common eye condition that affects millions of people worldwide. It develops due to a lack of sufficient tears or poor-quality tears, resulting in discomfort and irritation. There are various dry eye treatments available. Among them, the use of autologous serum tears (AST) is a new promising option.



What Are Autologous Serum Tears?


Autologous serum tears are eye drops made from a patient’s blood plasma. The serum is obtained by drawing blood from the patient and processing it to remove components like red blood cells. 


It leaves behind a clear, protein-rich liquid that closely mimics natural tears. AST contains various growth factors, anti-inflammatory cytokines, and other molecules that help improve tear film stability and reduce eye inflammation.


How Do Autologous Serum Tears Compare With Other Dry Eye Treatments?


There are several other treatments available for dry eye. These include over-the-counter artificial tears, prescription eye drops, and different procedures. Artificial tears are often the first line of treatment for mild to moderate dry eye. 


They come in diverse formulations. You can buy them over the counter at most drugstores. They can provide temporary relief from dry eye symptoms. However, they do not address the underlying causes of the condition. They also have preservatives that can irritate some people’s eyes.


Prescription eye drops work by suppressing inflammation in the eyes. They can help improve tear film stability. However, they can take several weeks to start working. They can be expensive, especially if not covered by insurance.


There are different procedures for treating dry eye. These include punctal plugs and intense pulsed light therapy. Punctal plugs prevent tears from draining too quickly. Pulsed light therapy improves gland function in the eyelids. 


These procedures can be effective for some individuals. However, they are often invasive and expensive. Autologous serum tears offer several advantages over other dry eye treatments. They do not contain any preservatives or additives that can irritate your eyes because they are from your blood. 


They also provide many growth factors and molecules that promote healing and reduce eye inflammation. They are highly personalized as they come from each patient’s blood, making it easy to adjust them to meet your needs.


Outcomes of Using Autologous Serum Tears


Many studies show that autologous tears are effective for dry eye treatment. It is a safe and well-tolerated treatment by most patients. Experts report that patients report significant improvements in their quality of life after using autologous serum tears.



Process of Obtaining Autologous Serum Tears


The process of obtaining autologous serum tears involves several steps. Your specialist will draw your blood. They will then process it to remove red blood cells and other components. They will leave behind a protein-rich liquid. 


They will then divide the serum into small vials and freeze them until ready for use. Once ready to use the AST, your specialist will thaw a vial in a warm water bath and then use the eye drops as they would other eye drops.


If you are interested in using autologous tears, you must speak to your optometrist or ophthalmologist first. These eye care professionals can evaluate your condition to determine if AST is a good treatment option. If it is, they can refer you to a lab that specializes in preparing autologous serum tears.



Candidates for Autologous Serum Tears


It is important to note that not all patients are good candidates for AST. Patients with some medical conditions, like autoimmune diseases or blood disorders, may not be eligible for the treatment. Additionally, you may need to stop taking medications like blood thinners before undergoing the blood draw.


For more information on autologous serum tears, visit Envision Specialty EyeCare & Dry Eye Center at our office in Meridian Idaho, Idaho. Call (208) 490-8823 to book an appointment today.

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